June 15, 2024

19 ore 18 ottob 2004 anni - Rick talks about taking over Alexandria. (Issue 71) (Issue 72)


- Day 457
- Andrea walks in on Gabriel sitting on the toilet. She squeezes past Michonne and Morgan talking in the corridor. She walks past Maggie telling a hyper Sophia that she can't have any more candy. She can't go in the second bathroom because Abraham and Rosita are taking a shower and Eugene is next in line. She can't use the sink because Glenn is doing the dishes. She finally gives up on brushing her teeth.
- Andrea goes outside and finds Rick. He tells her that they should spread out into the other houses tomorrow. A woman walks her dog and waves at them. Andrea comments on how everything feels fake. Rick tells her how Carl was talking about leaving earlier, she agrees with Carl that living here won't last and that they should enjoy it without becoming soft. Rick believes that they could make this work and live here for the rest of their lives. Andrea tells him so much could go wrong such as other groups, a roamer herd, fire, storms etc. and they'll likely have to leave anyway when the community realises how fucked up they are. Rick tells her that most 'dangerous' people have been put on construction crew outside the walls and if they're told to leave then they can just take over with force.
- Suddenly, Douglas approaches the two and asks to speak to Andrea. He asks her if he can do anything for her specifically. She tells him that he's a married man and she is extremely uninterested, with all due respect. Douglas tells her that he and his wife Regina are in a loveless marriage and are only together for their kid. Andrea tells him she isn't interested again and returns back to Rick.
- Rick listens while Glenn and Maggie have a heated argument about Glenn becoming a supply runner. Andrea tells Rick about Douglas hitting on her and then feels awful as Dale's body is barely cold and she's joking around. Rick tells her she needs to feel happy now and again. Glenn leaves the house and apologises for the disruption. Andrea goes to bed while it's quiet. Rick tells Glenn that in a weird way it's quite nice hearing arguments again.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


19 ore 18 ottob 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
