April 1, 2024

23 ore 44 min, 2 apr 1885 anni - Frog Lake Massecre


At the Frog lake supply post, in Alberta, a group of Cree men from Plains Cree Chief Big Bear's band shot and killed nine male settlers. The tension between the Cree and the government agents were already very high, and the murders were not helping. The Metis, who were motivated by hunger and the defeat at Duck Lake, decided to take over the Frog Lake settlement on April 2nd, 1885. When the Frog Lake settlers refused to leave the area, a deadly shootout broke out. When Cheif Big Bear arrive, he attempted to stop the men from killing each other but failed. Nine months later, 8 Cree men were hanged. IT was the largest public hanging in Canadian history

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

7 feb 2018


23 ore 44 min, 2 apr 1885 anni
~ 139 years ago