June 15, 2024

6 ore 3 min, 3 ottob 1875 anni - The Jubilee Riots


After Catholic Pope Pius IX had declared the year of 1875 a jubilee or celebration year. Catholic groups within Toronto organized celebration and parades in celebration through the streets of the city. But some groups and individuals were opposed to the celebration such as the Orange Order, which was a Protestant organization that influenced politics and policing in the second half of the 1800s, which originally consisted of Irish Protestant immigrants. The Orange Order or Orangemen strong influenced politics, policing and firefighting at the time.

The mayor of Toronto Francis Henry Medcalf and the Orange Order asked Catholic archbishop John Lynch to cancel the jubilee events but the archbishop refused. And reassured the mayor and the group that the intention of the celebration was to be quiet and peaceful. At the parade on October 3rd of 1875, stones were thrown and shots were fired and a six-hour followed. Many of the policemen protecting the Roman Catholics and rioters were members of the Orange Order. This riot was the part of a string of events that happened in 1875 that would be called the Jubilee riots.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

7 feb 2018


6 ore 3 min, 3 ottob 1875 anni
~ 148 years ago