June 15, 2024

28 apr 2005 anni - X-Men: The Official Game


Fission Plant (Iceman)Edit
Start of by extinguishing each fire with Icebeam attacks, which will prompt a Fire Raptor barrage from Pyro, so use the locked on Hailstorm attacks to stop them from damaging the buildings he targets. While fighting off the Fire Raptors, tale time to quickly tour above the buildings and fly underneath low arches, as the five Sentinel Tech pieces and Weapon X file are hidden in this manner through out the area. After they are all collected, concentrate on putting out the fires that feed Pyro, followed by cracking the Fire Raptors as they fly from the deranged former friend and ally of Bobby. After three sets of Bobby playing fireman, the mission will end!

Coolant Tunnels (Iceman)
Start out by Hailstorming the three Fire Raptors that pass Bobby, followd by weaving through the obstacles and making use of the Frost Shield to get through electrical barriers, eventually reaching a Sentinel tech as Bobby enters a large area. Seal the coolant leaks with the Icebeam (slow down to get it on one pass), as many will be opened by Pyro's attacks, allowing Iceman to advance onwards (raid the corners of the room for a second Sentinel tech piece) through another long tunnel where he will need to dodge obstacles and roast Fire Raptors, remembering to watch out for a Sentinel tech piece behind a rotating portion of the tunnel. In the Freon tube chamber, use the Icebeam on the door to the reactor to keep it cool while using Icebeam to freeze the Freon tube, followed by using Hailstorm to destroy the tube. While performing this deed, seek out the fourth Sentinel Tech piece located underneath a ledge. Once all Freon tubes are destroyed, Bobby has less then two minutes to escape through the tunnel ahead before the bulkheads seal, so fly fast and use the Frost Shield to avoid damage without slowing down, grabbing the final Sentinel Tech piece on the left side of the tunnel near the start of the escape, and the X Weapon file, which is located in between two electrical barriers (use Frost Shield to get it). Continue to fly accurately and safely, and the mission will be a success!Bobby will need to start off by going after the Sentinel Tech pieces and the Weapon X file, so fly to the following areas:

North of the Fire Serpent's position on the water.
Near the southern cooling tower.
Around the building Pyro lit on fire repeatedly in the first battle.
Between the road and the building south of the Fire Serpent.
Southwest of the cooling tower near the Fire Serpent.
Weapon X file is located north of the southern cooling tower.
Note that while the chase is on for these objects listed above, Iceman will need to Hailstorm the Fire Raptors that are being released, as they are intended to blow up the waste collections spread through out the level, which would be very bad. When ready, head for the Fire Serpent, using a slow attack and repeated Lock on switches (assures no Fire Raptors will escape) and Hailstorms, landing blows to the Fire Serpent. Keep on the pressure, landing repeated hits, taking out the beast to end the mission!

Castle Gatehouse (Wolverine)
Immediately fight off all foes, looking for the five Sentinel Tech pieces and the Weapon X file strewn about the two areas of the courtyard, which will be fairly easy to do due to the long length of the fights for Logan. Continue to use the right attacks for each type of enemy, remembering to be wary of the pole wielding enemies, as they can quickly drain Logan of his health if he tries to take them on with ground attacks. Head through the gate when it opens, taking out the Rifle Troopers, followed by moving along the walls to avoid the flame traps that are in the hallway. Next up are three more of the advanced troops, followed by more Rifle Troopers, which are the final opponents on this mission!

Zen Garden (Wolverine)Edit
Take out the Rifle and Bazooka Troopers, followed by grabbing the Sentinel tech hiding in the trees on the left side of the path. Now continue forward, finding the next batch of enemies, which will attack in large waves through the teleporters, so fight smartly and do not get surrounded. In between bouts, bust up the teleport nexus of the enemy, disabling their ability to teleport to this area! Next up for Wolverine is to grab the third Sentinel Tech piece while fighting more foes in the next garden area, taking down all comers to allow him to go after the teleport matrix, which is similar to the teleport nexus, but this one can flare up electrically all by itself (ie without attacks from Wolverine to prompt it). While it is shooting electrical discharge, take down foes to keep Wolverine from serious damage. Be sure to raid the Weapon X file and the fourth Sentinel tech piece from the nearby corners during the fight. Head inside the castle gates, taking out the regular troops en route to the end of the pathway, where the first objective is to snag the final Sentinel Tech piece for this area. The secondary objective will be tangling with the HYDRA Wind Units that attack, making use of counterattacks (much like the fight with Lady Deathstrike) or by using Fury Attack to Quick Attack them to death. Fight defensively when not enraged and the enemy will soon go down, ending the mission!

Brooklyn Bridge (Nightcrawler)Edit
Start off by collecting all five Sentinel tech pieces and the Weapon X file. Teleport to the small ledge above, getting the Sentinel Tech resting on it, followed by going to the central beam to go get the Weapon X File. Now teleport up to the high beam and run along the set of them, getting to the central area for the third Sentinel Tech piece. Now look to the right and teleport to the fourth Sentinel tech piece, followed by returning to the central area to go forward, looking to the left for the fifth and final Sentinel Tech piece. Now Kurt must defeat the Multiple Man clones, so use teleport attacks to get in easy hits, but remember that if they begin to team up on Nightcrawler, teleport upwards to escape the melee attacks (how Multiple Man does the majority of his damage). After wiping out twelve clones, Kurt will now need to go after the bombs and defuse them. Head for each bomb location, clobbering the Multiple Man Clones to leave the bomb open to defusing, then move onto the next Bomb. Fight efficiently and avoid getting ganged up on, and Nightcrawler will be able to save the bridge! If the timer is proving tough to overcome, remember that teleporting stops the bomb clock for a few seconds, so teleport from bomb to bomb to keep as much time as possible on the clock.

Multiple Man (Nightcrawler)
Once again, the first objective is to locate all five Sentinel Tech pieces and the Weapon X file, so spend the first portion of the battle teleporting through out the area, finding all six collectibles. With these beauties in hand, turn Nightcrawler's attention to Multiple Man and his insane ability of cloning himself, delivering constant attacks through teleportation to knock out his clones and to land damage upon the primary Multiple man himself. He will sometimes set a bomb on the ground, so if he does so, draw all the Multiple men away from the bomb, then teleport over to quickly defuse it. To get the best result with the main Multiple man, teleport in to use a heavy Attack, then teleport away before he uses a vicious counterattack. Keep up the pressure and he will go down in defeat, ending the mission! Remember that if Kurt takes a lot of damage, escape to the far side of the arena and teleport up high to perform his Shadow Aura Healing to get him back to full fighting energy

Act 3
Kowloon Highway (Iceman)Edit
Iceman will need to reach the HYDRA building within a time limit (based on difficulty), all the while destroying Sentinels. Lock onto and destroy the first Small Sentinel with Hailstorm attacks, followed by a couple more twists in the path (and another Small to destroy), look for a Sentinel Tech piece on the right side of the open area. Now speed through the next area, looking behind a wrecked automobile in the tunnel for the second Sentinel Tech piece. Upon entering the second open area, look to the left side near the entrance to the next tunnel for the third Sentinel Tech piece, but keep firing on the Small Sentinels en route to the next enclosed area. Iceman will now face a long and twisty tunnel, filled with Small Sentinels to destroy, winding through the tunnel and the debris, emerging into another open area, where a couple more Small Sentinels will attack. After hammering them with hailstorm, grab the Sentinel Tech piece on the left, then enter the next tunnel. Fly down the middle of this area, grabbing the fifth Sentinel tech piece, emerging to race to the HYDRA building (getting the Weapon X file low on the ground). However, three Small Sentinels will grab the Master Mold Inhibitor, so give chase, destroying the two guard Sentinels before hammering the throttle and tailing close to the final Small Sentinel, delivering lethal amount of Hailstorm firepower to destroy it and end the mission!

Downtown Kowloon (Iceman)Edit
Bobby must now destroy all fifteen Small Sentinels in the area, saving the mutant civilians in the area. Fly straight and grab the Weapon X file, turning right to go down the street, turning left to get the first Sentinel Tech piece off the ground (remember to fire upon Small Sentinels when they cross Iceman's path). Fly low under the bridge up this area, grabbing a second Sentinel Tech piece, turning left to follow the right wall in the area, finding a third Sentinel Tech piece in the corner of the area. Now head down the first street Bobby turned down, but take the street on the right, grabbing the fourth Sentinel Tech piece from under another civilian path, moving down the street (away from the starting area) to look on the left for a small alcove that holds the fifth and final Sentinel Tech piece. All that remains at this point is to destroy the remaining Small Sentinels, so hunt them down and end the mission in style… lots of messed up Sentinels!

Giant Sentinel (Iceman)Edit
Destroy the two Giant Sentinels at the very beginning of the area by using locked on Hailstorm attacks to destroy the three energy caps on the front of the Giant Sentinel and then the three energy caps on the back of the Giant Sentinel. After wiping these two foes out, advance slowly, scanning the sides of the area and the top area of the elevated roadway, grabbing the Sentinel Tech pieces and Weapon X file that are strewn about. Keep destroying the foes, reaching the X-Jet to stop all eight Giant Sentinels from reaching the end of the highway, ending the mission!

Augmentation Room (Wolverine)Edit
Wolverine will be forced to fight 100 of his Inner Demons, which are him as he was when he emerged from the testing tank from where he gained his Adamantium claws and structure. Quick Attacks are the best methods for dealing with the enemy, but if they surround Logan, block and then roll out of danger before renewing the attack. While fighting the enemy, look around the border of the room for the Sentinel Tech pieces and right behind the experimental tank where Logan was created as he is today for the Weapon X file. Use the Fury Attacks if Logan has been damaged, using them to wipe out enemies quickly and to recover his health. With the superior stat gains that Wolverine has at this point, he should be able to demolish his opponents easily, ending the mission!

Master Mold Interior (Nightcrawler)Edit
Teleport through the first area, finding a passage to the second area, where Kurt will have to avoid the moving electrical charges (be sure to snag the Sentinel Tech from the end of the first pipe) and fix the two sets of broken wiring. After completing this task, head through to the next area to face a Sentinel Guardian, so teleport through out the area, drawing some Seeker Bots in close before teleporting to the shoulder of the Guardian Sentinel, forcing the Seeker Bots to self-destruct and destroy the abomination. Remember to use Shadow Aura healing if Nightcrawler took damage in the fight. Next for Kurt is a second rewiring job, so work his teleports to get between energy pulses, fixing both relays, making sure to grab the second Sentinel Tech piece from behind the broken wiring before advancing to the next section of Master Mold. Here Kurt must use Jump teleports to cross the pipes, reaching the far ledge, where he can disable the first Power Node (draw a Seeker Bot in close to do the damage) and grab the third Sentinel Tech piece off the lower rail. Head off the opposite side of the platform, following Jason Stryker across the large gaps (grab the Weapon X file off the high tube while en route) to land on a ledge with a Guardian Sentinel, but ignore it as you dodge the attacks it uses, instead drawing a Seeker Drone close to the second Power Node to disable it. Head back a bit to get the fourth Sentinel tech piece that lies out on the edge of the platform, followed by moving off the big platform via the piping to use the poles to climb upwards, taking the pipes above to the next platform. Quickly grab the attention of another Seeker Drone, pulling it close to the third Power Node, destroying it to open the way forward to end the mission!

Master Mold Reactor (Iceman)Edit
Bobby will need to be fast as he can be here, especially when on the Superhero difficulty. Boost as much as possible, sending waves of Hailstorm out to destroy the Small Sentinels that will hound him en route to the Master Mold Core. Maneuver carefully through the tunnels, passing through four laser grids and the Sentinel Mines before watching out for the first Sentinel Tech piece at the bottom of the tunnel. Continue through the tunnels and their obstacles, locating a wider area with more Sentinel Mines circling around, which is where Bobby must fly through the center to locate the second Sentinel Tech piece. Remember that the Frost Shield can get Bobby through the laser grids easier, which will be helpful while Iceman counts off ten laser grids, indicating that the third Sentinel Tech piece from the large room with circling mines (again fly through the middle of the area). Continue to dodge and shield Bobby through out the run, raiding the next circular room for the fourth Sentinel Tech piece, followed by a quick trip forward into the regulator Room. Once inside Bobby should grab the remaining Sentinel Tech piece and the lone Weapon X file from the bottom of the chamber, followed by locking onto the Regulator Nodes and destroying them with hailstorm fire, followed by escaping out the door to end the mission! Be careful of the roving energy and Sentinel Mines though, they can wipe Bobby out in an awful hurry!

Telepurgatory (Nightcrawler)Edit
Kurt will need to collect the five Sentinel Tech pieces and the Weapon X file on the run, but luckily they are in wide open spaces, making them easy to find while moving. In this level Kurt will need to bust the Crystal Shield to expose a Memory Bank, but before he can tinker with it he will first have to bust the Guardian Crystals that are scattered through out the area. This pattern will need to be done for all three memory banks, with the following Guardian

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

11 mar 2023


28 apr 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
