June 15, 2024

24 sett 704 anni - Great council of Yelona


After Halleros consolidated power in Yelona, they have made a momentous declaration. They have announced that they figured out a comprehensive theory of the universe, and how society ought to be organised, making all previous religions obselete. They have challanged anyone to prove them wrong. After all major ideologies proposed a delegation to debunk them, they have declared a general conference of the intellectual powers of the age. They promised it to be a purely intellectual debate, and that they would argue, until they all agree that what it doesn't make sense to continue.
Messianic aldéns would send a delegation to spread their faith. Ortodox aldéns were too conservative to go, but then they sent a group just to sabotage the heretics. Kericenny Hallor, whos communication with the Yelonai group was scarce because of the Aldén wars sent a delegation, exposing the growing shift between "Hallor-proper" and "Proto-selyrs". There was a whole different group who were adjecent to selyrs, but were specifically studig the math of Hallor theories, and noticed how some variables suspiciously lacked any concrete interpretations. Tingri was dead by then, but some related to the investigation were still around, so when they heard what these guys are tangling, they have jumped, daring Hallor to silence them.
The Mutant Teachings had also sent a delegation, and that's when the whole thing started to fall apart. Everyone knew they were telepaths, so what's keeping them just tricking them in some unimaginable psychic method?

Especially since their point was that you might get their point if they experienced what they did. So they projected those key experiences into their opponent's brain, a lots of them came to an understanding.

For the Haller that amounted for brainwashing, for the teachings, it was simply presenting a piece of evidence - they could not see eye to eye on that.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

26 gen 2023


24 sett 704 anni
~ 1320 years ago