June 15, 2024

7 gen 1979 anni - Iranian revolution


In 1979, their were 2 major names that was known in the Revolution of Iran. These 2 names were Shah and Ayatollah Khomeini. These people along with other competitors formed this revolution. All these conflict derived from Shah’s reform which was called, the White Revolution. After the White Revolution, a lot of changes occurred. It was socio-cultural, Economic and Political. Iranian society started to criticize Shah Regimes with White Revolution.

There was inequality of wealth between the Shah, the nobles (or monarchs) and most importantly, common Iranian citizens. There were huge poverty throughout the country, high unemployment, underdevelopment, low wages, and few protections for laborers. Unfulfilled promises of increasing wealth and well being of the country, that seemed too big to let benefits of oil profits and income reach population quickly. Their government was very much unstable and rights for people were unequal and limited.

Over the next several months, violent protestants spread, and were increasing violence from security forces. Movie theaters, banks, police stations, and nightclubs. Which the religiously-motivated rioters attacked these places. Some of the army troops were stopped by forces and the protests began to weaken to the protesters' side. The protesters adopted the name and image of the Ayatollah Khomeini, as the leader of their movement but was still in exile. Khomeini issued calls for the overthrow of the Shah.

1979 of January , as the political situation became worse, the Shah and his family are forced into exile. On 9th till 10th of February, fighting broke out between the Imperial Guard (the "Immortals"), who were still loyal to the Shah, and the pro-Khomeini faction(or clique) of the Iranian Air Force. On 11th February, the pro-Shah forces collapsed, and the Islamic Revolution declared victory.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


7 gen 1979 anni
~ 45 years ago
