June 15, 2024

6 ore 4 sett 2004 anni - Dale is dumped outside the church, Glenn is shot in the leg. (Issue 64) (Issue 65)


- Day 413
- Maggie and Sophia discover Dale's body dumped on the lawn in front of the church. Their screams wake up the others. Rick rushes out with Andrea close behind and tries to stop her from seeing Dale, until she punches him and rushes to his side.
- Abraham, Glenn, Rick and Andrea help Dale up. Rick looks into the surrounding woods and slowly but urgently goes back to the group. He tells them they're being watched and orders Andrea to run to the church and tell Maggie and Michonne to get inside and Glenn and Abraham to help bring in Dale when he says "GO!".
- He yells "GO!" and fires off three quick shots into the woods. The others follow their orders and Rick joins them while continuing to shoot at their stalkers. Glenn is shot in the leg and Rick helps him inside. The lock the doors and get away from all windows. Abraham mentions how they only fired one shot which hit Glenn in the leg, therefore they must just be messing with them. Rick comments on how they're going to feel stupid when they realise "they're fucking with the wrong people".
- Eugene patches up Glenn's leg using only peroxide, a teabag and candle wax seen as the bullet passes all the way through.
- Abraham points how they took Dale's leg and may be cannibals, thus why they didn't kill a few of them before.
- Eugene goes to bandage Dale.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


6 ore 4 sett 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
