June 15, 2024

9 ore 30 agos 2004 anni - They raid the police station and begin their journey back. (Issue 59)


- Day 408
- Morgan thinks its amazing that Rick found his wife and son in all this. He then starts to asks if Rick's wife is still alive before stopping himself and apologising. Carl tells him his mom and baby sister died together. Morgan apologises again, Rick doesn't say anything.
- Rick unlocks the police station's gate with the keys he keeps for sentimental value and they park the truck inside. Morgan comments on how nobody has been in this place for a year and so much has changed. He breaks down and starts headbutting the wall repeatedly until Rick tells him to stop. They load up a few duffel bags with weapons and supplies and go back out. Rick and Abraham keep an eye on Morgan.
- Later, Morgan keeps staring at Carl. Carl barks at him to stop creeping him out before Rick tells him to be nice and apologises to Morgan. Morgan tells him he's sorry because Carl reminds him so much of Duane.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


9 ore 30 agos 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
