June 15, 2024

19 ore 32 min, 21 lugl 1976 anni - Ebola


• Facts
o One of the deadliest disease, considered an emerging disease
o Believed to have originate from bats
o 1 to 4 people can be infection
o There was a stigma with the disease so some people did not get help when they should have
o Earlier treatment=better outcomes
o During the 2016-2016 epidemic, the infection strike 2,4000 people, but killed less than 1,600.
o Has been said that a baby first contracted the disease, then the disease spread
• Symptom/Transmission:
o Blood-borne pathogen
o Close contact can kill between 25-90% of people
o Headache, fatigue, fever, bruising, bleeding (from eyes, nose, mouth, ears, anus), seizures, and even death
• Not Eradicated
• Treatment:
o There is no cure or vaccine
o Isolate the sick
o Disinfect surfaces
o Wear protective clothing because again, the disease is deadly so take precautions measures!
o Supportive care-rehydration with oral or intravenous fluids
• Historical Events
o 1976: First identified in Africa
o 2009: Only 4 toilets were available for 70,000 people and 250 doctors serving 4 million patients
o 2014: International Emergency declared by WHO
o 2017: Democratic Republic of Congo Outbreak, but only 4 people have died

Picture Reference: Ebola Lecture Slides

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

13 dic 2018


19 ore 32 min, 21 lugl 1976 anni
~ 47 years ago
