July 1, 2024

14 lugl 1980 anni - HIV/AIDS


How it started:
- 1980s
-HIV jumped to primates and then to humans
- The earliest evidence of HIV was in the 1960s (In the US), in Africa the earliest is 1921

- Occupational Exposure
- Blood Transfusions
- Pregnancy (Mom --> child)
- Drug Use
- Sexual Contact

Fun (not so) Fact: Washington D.C. has the largest HIV population

The Virus itself:
- It's an enveloped virus that has spike proteins that are important for attachment.
- The virus is a genome: it only has 10 genes.

- AZT 1987: Monotherapy (one drug), it wasn't effective as the virus always came back
- 2 Drug Therapy 1994: More effective (But the virus always came back)
- Drug Cocktail 1997: Combination inhibitor, the virus becomes suppressed. However it costs about 2-5k a month.

HIV Goals:
- Keep viral load as close to zero
- Keep CD4+ Helper T-Cells as high as possible (The virus attacks these cells that are important for working the immune system)

Other medicine?:
PrEP: HIV wont be able to touch it --> the first vaccine but needs to be taken every day (you CANT skip it)

What is the main problem of HIV?
- HIV isn't what can harm you, only your immune system. It makes you vulnerable to other diseases more easily. In most cases before HIV transitions to AIDS the patient will be suffering from another condition due to their immune system being too weak to fight against it.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 lugl 1980 anni
~ 43 years ago