June 15, 2024

22 ore 48 min, 24 gen 1622 anni - Uprising of 1622


*As people migrated from England to the New World, Europeans explored and “conquered” Native American territories* and tensions began to grow. Some cultures traded with the Natives and thought that eventually the Europeans would go back to Europe, but they soon realized that the Europeans came to the New World to stay. Many Native American civilizations did not coexist with the new invaders. Along the East coast mainly in the Eastern woodlands, the Natives banded together to try to drive out the Europeans. The Uprising of 1622 was a rebellion that Opechancanough led against the British. Opechancanough led the rebellion that killed almost one third of the British settlers’ population in the New World, but the British fought back created wars that lasted for almost ten years. The British and Native Americans continued to have complex relations throughout the creation of the United States. Key Concept 2.1.III

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22 ore 48 min, 24 gen 1622 anni
~ 402 years ago