June 15, 2024

12 dic 2030 anni - Scorchflower and Eaglethorn


Scorchflower runs away from camp in a snowstorm after another premonition nightmare. The clan is worried about her, thinking she'll freeze to death, but they can't track her scent. Fogbreeze says Scorchflower isn't the type to run off without an exit strategy, and the clan calms down. Eaglethorn, however, is still paranoid, and goes looking for her all by herself. She checks the spot where Owlpaw had attacked her, and finds her crying on the ledge. Eaglethorn comforts her and Scorchflower cries about being lost without Shadestar, and is worried about the dreams continuing, even after Cloudstar died. Eaglethorn says Shadestar will always watch out for her, and that she'll watch out for her, too. Scorchflower is not entirely convinced, but Eaglethorn convinces her to come back to camp. The storm is so bad it's messing with Scorchflower's shoulder, and they are forced to take temporary shelter in a hollow tree. It's a tight fit, but they manage, and it might just have saved their lives. While waiting for the storm to die down, Scorchflower admits that she is in love with Eaglethorn. Eaglethorn laughs before admitting that she was trying to work up the courage to confess to Scorchflower. The two laugh it off and curl up together, becoming mates.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

11 dic 2018


12 dic 2030 anni
~ 6 years and 5 months later