June 15, 2024

5 ore 30 agos 2004 anni - Abraham tells Rick how he lost his family. (Issue 57) (Issue 58)


- Day 408
- Carl falls asleep just before sunrise. Abraham tells Rick that he can't go back to being a 'happy dad' after ripping someone apart. Rick tells him he'll pretend and he's already done stuff that's chipped away at his soul. Abraham starts to cry and starts to tell Rick how he lost his family.
- When the outbreak started, Abraham went to go and find his ex wife, Beth, and their two children. They joined a group of their friends and neighbours and survived for quite a while together. Eventually people started to change which Abraham didn't notice at first. After coming back from a supply run, he discovered that his wife, daughter and two other women had been raped whilst his son was forced to watch. Abraham and the other men killed the six rapists, Abraham mutilated with with his bare hands which terrified his own family, causing them to run away the next morning.
- Abraham discovered his wife and son completely devoured, and his daughter has reanimated.
- On another occasion, three men from his group tried stealing from him, Rosita and Eugene. He killed them all with no mercy because they were going to let them starve.
- Rick tells Abraham about how he murdered Dexter (see day 245) and strangled Martinez to death (see day 272). He explains that they're just doing whats necessary to keep their loved ones alive. And those who can't are walking around trying to eat people right now. Carl wakes up and tells Abraham that he shot a man in the neck once (see day 158) because he was going to kill Rick. He tells his dad that he wanted to help him kill the man last night, and he has thoughts which scare him sometimes. Rick and Carl hug whilst Abraham thinks to himself.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


5 ore 30 agos 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
