June 15, 2024

14 ore 20 giug 2004 anni - Rick and Carl reunite with Michonne. (Issue 52)


- Day 337
- Rick tries to teach Carl how to drive a car but they almost crash after running over several roamers. They argue for a moment and Rick tells Carl that he's going to need to know how to do these things if they ever get separated. Carl knows he mean if he dies but Rick tells him he doesn't mean that.
- Rick gets out to clean the windscreen and goes to investigate a crashed truck whilst Carl stays in the car. A roamer approaches Carl, drawn to the noise and attacks him. A sword shoots out the roamer's mouth and behind it stands Michonne. She asks if Carl's ok and he jumps on her and the two embrace.
- Rick greets Michonne and tells her about Tyreese but she already knows. She asks where they're going and Rick tells her their plan to visit Hershel's farm. Michonne was following a trail from the RV which she lost in the woods. She had been going in this direction ever since, looking to kill anyone who wasn't one of them. Rick things Andrea might have survived the crash.
- Later Carl asks Rick to stop so he can pee. Michonne asks if anyone else might have survived it but they didn't.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 ore 20 giug 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
