June 15, 2024

14 gen 1880 anni - Malaria


Malaria comes from the name "Mal'aria" which means bad air.

It's caused by a single-celled bacteria called Protozoan Parasites. It has to get in our cells in order to reproduce. It also needs our red blood cells.

Cerebral Malaria: Most common in children --> non-immune adults are susceptible. Symptoms include: Seizures, coma, etc. It has about a 20% mortality rate and > 10% of children surviving have long-term neurological problems.

Negative impacts on pregnant woman include; severe anemia in woman. Infants have about 2-14% will be low birth weight. 3-8% infant mortality. About 75k - 200k per year die.

Symptoms: Fever, sweats, chills, headache

Diagnosis: Blood samples, dark things in red blood cells, immediate treatment = good results

Three stages: Cold Stage (Feel intense cold and various shivers. 15-60 mins), Hot stage (Intense heat, dry skin, headache. 2-6 hrs), Sweating Stage (Profuse sweating, declining temp, want to sleep. 2-4 hrs)

Treatment options: Quinine, Chloroguine (resistant issue) and Artemisinin (new signs of resistance)

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 gen 1880 anni
~ 144 years ago