June 15, 2024

19 ore 14 giug 2004 anni - Lilly finds out about Austin's bite. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 331
- That night the survivors try to rest in their own little corners of the prison's intake room. Lilly and Austin rest on a tarp on the floor behind the glass-fronted receiving counter. They don't say anything, just hold each other in their arms. Lilly looks around the room and notices things that don't make sense, such as the lump under Austin's sleeve.
- She checks the lump and finds his wrist bandaged with a blue bandanna and underneath, the telltale puncture wounds of a walker bite. She slips into denial and asks if he cut himself on the fence, he tells her he got bit. She starts to frantically search the room for something to ease the infection, despite it having already visibly spread. The noise wakes Gloria up and she asks whats going on. Then she realises that Austin is bit. Hap and Ben join her. Austin hugs Lilly and tells her its too late, the whole group have gathered outside the glass now and Lilly yells at them to go away.
- She tells him that she wants to do something drastic. He stops her and tells her that it's already too far along for amputation. She gives up and tells him that she can't lose him, maybe he won't turn. A guy in Macon got his finger chewed off and he never turned.
- Austin doesn't want to dwell on it and tells her that he knows she's going to live for a long time. He tells her to go and grab a flask he saw because if there's a God then there will be liquor left in it.
- They talk most of the night about anything but Austin's bite.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


19 ore 14 giug 2004 anni
~ 20 years ago
