June 15, 2024

20 ore 13 giug 2004 anni - The Governor talks with Tyreese. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 330
- The Governor joyfully talks with Tyreese in the back of a cargo vehicle, trying to provoke the man and anger him. He refers to Tyreese as 'homie' until the man angrily tells him his name. The Governor tells the man that he doesn't want to have to torture or hurt him and just wants information. Tyreese says 'have at it' so Philip slaps him across the face which sends his head slamming into the wall. Tyreese starts to insult Philip until he begins to asks questions.
- Philip asks if there are any weak spots in the prison, Tyreese tells him its a fucking prison. So no. He asks how many people are living there which Tyreese refuses to answer. He's about to hit the man again when Lilly knocks on the truck's door frame. Philip invites her in to see what the animals they're against are like.
- Philip leans in close to the man and tells Lilly that he's 'nice enough'. Tyreese head-butts him which sends the Governor onto the floor. Lilly draws her gun and tells Tyreese to sit back down which he reluctantly does. He says something inaudible. Philip asks him to repeat it so he reads out a bible quote from Revelation. He tells them that that's what all this is, and they'll kill themselves with their own weapons before Lilly flips out on him and points her gun to his head. Philip calms her down and sends her out the truck to sleep.
- He grabs a baseball bat, closes the rear hatch, and repeats to himself "I got this" (see day 8). He turns to Tyreese and smiles.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


20 ore 13 giug 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
