June 15, 2024

8 ore 30 min, 13 giug 2004 anni - Andrea wakes up, Rick gets a blood transfusion. (Issue 45)


- Day 330
- Andrea wakes up and sulks. She asks Dale if they've won but he tells her not yet and that she's been out for an hour and a half. The bullet left another scar on her head and hair won't grow back in places but she got really lucky.
- Alice checks up on Axel's arm. He can't move it but the bullet went straight through so he should be fine after a while. He asks about Rick and she tells him that she managed to remove the bullet but it's not looking good. Lori and Carl cry over Rick.
- Alice calls everyone over to the infirmary. Rick needs a blood transfusion or he won't survive. She needs to check everyone's blood type to see if anyone's compatible. Patricia tells Alice that she is type O-negative and therefore compatible with all blood types. She washes off her left arm whilst Alice gathers her equipment.
- Alice finishes checking on Rick. His pulse is still faint but better than before and his temperature is up. All good signs. Alice comes to check on him every ten minutes.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


8 ore 30 min, 13 giug 2004 anni
~ 20 years ago
