June 15, 2024

6 ore 53 min, 14 giug 2004 anni - The Governor decapitates Tyreese. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 331
- At 6:53 PM, the Governor and Gabe arrive at the prison. Gabe fires a few shots out the window, killing biters. They then quickly reverse towards the prison gates. They hop out, Philip opens the back of the cargo truck and pulls a sheet off of the beaten, shirtless body of Tyreese, which shocks the prison survivors who are watching. The Governor pulls out Michonne's katana and lies about having her captive too, so if he dies, she will die. He orders them to open the gate and come back with them or he does something horrible to Tyreese. Tyreese tells them not to let him in and is hit on the back of the head by Philip.
- Getting no response, Philip angrily slams the sword down on Tyreese's neck, getting stuck. He yanks it out and drives it in again, and again. The Governor fully decapitates Tyreese and kicks his head off the truck. They leave his body for the biters when a sniper starts firing off shots at them, barely missing the Governor. They speed off to safety.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


6 ore 53 min, 14 giug 2004 anni
~ 19 years ago
