June 15, 2024

5 ore 14 min, 13 giug 2004 anni - The Woodbury army sets out to attack the prison. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 330
- At 5:14 AM, the Governor, dressed in Rick's prison riot gear, and Gabe stand in front of the thirty-six Woodbury soldiers. David and Barbara Stern were ordered to look after the twenty-five remaining Woodbury residents who have stayed behind, mostly women with their children and elderly people. He reminds them what they're fighting for and tells them that the prison survivors killed Doctor Stevens, murdered Bruce and mutilated him. Lilly and Austin stand at the end of the group, Lilly looks uncertain but gives the Governor a nod.
- At 5:30 AM, they pile into their vehicles and ride out for the prison. Lilly drives an M35 cargo truck with Austin at her side. She begins to have a panic attack and tries to remember the training Bob taught her. How to aim, bullet trajectory and the average human head of shoulder width.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


5 ore 14 min, 13 giug 2004 anni
~ 20 years ago
