June 15, 2024

6 ore 13 magg 2004 anni - The Governor removes Penny's teeth and kisses her, Lilly has a miscarriage. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 299
- Bob lies to Lilly about having delivered quite a few babies in his time, he's only dealt with one pregnancy during Afghanistan and the woman had a miscarriage. He gives Lilly the last IV of glucose. Bob asks for permission to perform a pelvic exam, they grant him permission on the verge of tears.
- Bob detects a miscarriage. He sadly informs the couple of their lost baby. They already knew. Lilly cries and beats herself up over it. She storms out, filled with rage and leaves Austin with Bob. There's nothing they can do.
- The Governor rips out Penny's teeth with a pair of pliers. He comforts the biter as he does it. Once all teeth are removed he kisses Penny on the mouth and throws up from the taste. Gabe knocks the door and the Governor angrily answers. Gabe informs him of an explosion coming from the national guard station. Bruce went to check it out and they heard gunfire coming from nearby. Philip angrily orders Gabe to take him there.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


6 ore 13 magg 2004 anni
~ 20 years ago
