June 15, 2024

23 ore 19 apr 2004 anni - The Governor wakes up from his coma. (Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 275
- Bruce and Gabe talk over the Governor's body in the infirmary. Bruce is getting pissed that they're all taking orders from Lilly now, some "lightweight bitch". Gabe stands up to Bruce and tells him that she saved his life and has more balls than most the guards on the wall. Bruce storms out mumbling obscenities.
- Just after Bruce leaves, the Governor slowly starts to wake up from his long sleep. Gabe wonders over and contains his giddy excitement. Philip asks how long he has been out and Gabe tells him its been almost a week. He informs him about Stevens' death which provokes Philip to ask how he's not dead. Gabe then tells him about Bob much to the Governor's surprise and goes over how he fixed him up.
- The Governor tells Gabe that he can't wait for Martinez to return so he can brutally torture Michonne. Gabe hesitantly informs him that Martinez helped the strangers escape and left with them. Philip knows this and tells Gabe that was his plan, to find out where this prison is. Martinez should be back any day now.
- The rest of the week the late-spring heat starts to set in. The Sterns figure out a way to make ice, Austin finds some prenatal vitamins and mothers Lilly incessantly. People continue to ruminate about the escape whilst Gabe, Bruce and Bob keep the Governor's condition under wraps.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


23 ore 19 apr 2004 anni
~ 20 years ago
