June 15, 2024

7 ore 13 apr 2004 anni - Lilly goes to find out where the Governor is. (The Fall of the Governor: Part 2)


- Day 269
- Lilly wakes up and wonders where the Governor is, not believing the supply run rumour. She figures that if Woodbury is at risk of an attack then he would stay to help defend it. She gets out of bed, careful not to wake Austin, and gets dressed. Before she goes out she thinks about her father and what he would say to her. She cries but pulls herself together and leaves.
- Gus carries an armful of fuel cans behind the warehouse on Pecan Street. The Sizemore girls play under careful watch from their mother, Elizabeth. A guard named Earl guards the Governor's apartment and refuses to tell anyone anything.
- Lilly spots Gabe running across the street towards the infirmary carrying two enormous thirty-gallon containers of filtered water. She calls out which startles him. She asks him where the Governor is and he tells her that everything is fine and to mind her own business. She keeps pushing for an answer and informs him that guards aren't showing up to their shifts and the town is falling apart. After some pushing, Gabe reluctantly agrees to show Lilly whats going on but insists she keeps quiet.
- The Governor lies asleep in the infirmary, almost completely bandaged. Bob greets her dressed in a lab coat and completely sober, he's the town's new doctor. Lilly asks what happened and Bruce tells her that the black girl attacked him. He has a go at Gabe for showing her this and Lilly breaks up the argument reassuring them she won't say anything. She tells them that she is one-thousand percent on the Governor's side and asks for what facts they have. Gabe tells her that Martinez helped them escape and attacked him. Marianne and Curtis' stories tell them roughly how they got out. Lilly informs them about the possibility of an attack and Alice and Martinez knowing the town's weak spots. This gets everyone on edge.
- Lilly orders Gabe and Bruce to get the guards back on their shifts and they reluctantly agree to do so, confused on why they're taking orders from her now.
- Bob talks to Lilly about the whole situation. He believes that they may have already found the Governor's temporaty replacement (implying Lilly).

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


7 ore 13 apr 2004 anni
~ 20 years ago
