April 1, 2024

12 feb 1700 anni a. C. - God speaking to Abraham according to the Bible.


Abraham was a patriarch who lived about in 1700 BC. One of the main reasons why he was important to the Monotheistic religions, is because he was a leader and a prophet who told people everything God told him. Later on, according to the first five books of the bible Torah, Abraham was speaking to God. God advised him to leave his city Ur, with his family, and move to another country called Caanan. God made a promise with Abraham, that the land Canaan would later on be his descendants. It was called The Promise Land. After that, Abraham brought his people to The Promised Land. Abraham had a son, from a servant, but he wanted to have another one from his wife Sarah, and God tells him that they will have. No matter on their old age, they get a son Issac, and later on a grand son Jacob. Jacob had twelve children. The countries name Israel got it's name from Abraham's grand son. Jacob got a new name Israel, and people started calling the tribes Israelites. One day, God tells Abraham to sacrifice his own son, and Abraham agreed. When it was time to do what God told him too, God told him that it was a test and he passed it.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


12 feb 1700 anni a. C.
~ 3726 years ago

