June 15, 2024

15 feb 1871 anni - An ACT respecting Asylums for the Insane


«Section 2. [The Provincial Lunatic Asylum at Toronto, the Lunatic Asylum at London, and any other public Asylums that may be established or acquired], Such asylums shall be called “Asylums for the Insane, Toronto” or “Asylum for the Insane, London” or elsewhere according to the fact» (p. 61)
«Section 5: No person shall be received into any of the said Asylums as a lunatic, except under an order of the Lieutenant-Governor, without a certificate from three medical practitioners, signed aid verified by the Reeve of the township or incorporated village, or the Mayor of the city or incorporated town from which the lunatic may be sent, and in the absence of the Reeve or Mayor, by the deputy or other person for the time being authorized to act in the place of the Reeve or Mayor»
«Section 6: Such certificate shall state that the inspecting medical practitioners at the same time, and in the presence of each other, examined the patient, and after due enquiry into all necessary facts relating to his case, found him to be a lunatic» – Up until 1871 it is re-instated this idea of collective examination!
«Section 7: Such certificate shall be a sufficient authority to any person to convey the lunatic to any of the said Asylums, and to the authorities thereof to detain him therein so long as he continues to be insane» (p. 62).
«Section 8: An order for the removal of any insane person, imprisoned or confined under any warrant or order of a justice of the peace, may be made by the Lieutenant-Governor, notwithstanding any irregularity or insufficiency in the warrant or order under which such person is imprisoned or confined» (p. 62).
«Section 21: The expenses of conveying any destitute lunatic, from any common gaol to an asylum shall be paid by the county from which such lunatic is removed» (p. 64). – Does these expenses include certification procedures?

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15 feb 1871 anni
~ 153 years ago