June 15, 2024

14 ore 9 apr 2004 anni - They spot a helicopter crashing, Rick, Glenn and Michonne go to investigate. (Issue 25) (Issue 26)


- Day 265
- Dale, Billy and Otis lure away the roamers on the fence to Rick and Glenn can safely get out the gate. Glenn arrives fully dressed in a riot suit. He hands one to Rick and they run out when they're ready.
- Glenn jokingly asks if Maggie would still respect him if she knew how good he is at sucking gas through hoses. He stops himself and points to a helicopter flying in the sky. They both stare in awe.
- The helicopter starts to crash into the forest. They decide to go and investigate, Rick runs back to the gate and tells Tyreese. He asks if it was military but they don't think so. Michonne comes out with her sword which they hid in the RV and tells them she saw it. Rick tells Tyreese to tell the others and they might return with guests.
- Glenn pulls up in one of the cars and the three drive off.
- After a while they ditch the car because it can't drive well off road.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 ore 9 apr 2004 anni
~ 20 years ago
