June 15, 2024

23 ore 31 dic 2003 anni - Megan and The Governor have sex, Megan discovers Scott's head. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 165
- Megan rides Philip in the dark whilst he is sprawled on his armchair; she can see a bunch of TVs stacked up against a wall but things are moving inside them which unsettles her. Philip gets frustrated with her and turns on a light to reveal not TVs but fish tanks with human heads inside. Among them is Scott Moon (see day 140).
- She slips off him in terror; he tells her he wasn't finished, pulls her legs apart and rapes her. After she cleans up they have a talk.
- She gets dressed in tears and swears that she wont tell anyone. Philip tells her that she is with Bob now and if she says anything about any of this her head goes in the tank next to Scott's.
- He sends her on her way out of his apartment. Not long after he starts shaking and throws up; he can't believe whet he has done, yet he forces himself to look at the fish tanks until his senses are numbed.
- Megan goes to Bob's apartment and breaks down into tears he tries to calm her down and she tells him about Scott and the heads in the Governor's place which Bob is surprised about.
- He asks what she was going there and she cries into her hands. He gets her some water and she gulps it down. She regrets prostituting herself and slowly starts to fall asleep.
- Bob and her sleep together that night but don't have sex, much to Bob's relief despite his love for her.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


23 ore 31 dic 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
