June 15, 2024

13 ore 30 min, 13 dic 2003 anni - Josh is killed by Sam. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 147
- They head back to Woodbury without saying a word. Until Josh brings the topic back up and gets angry.
- Josh swings open the gate to Woodbury without being desecrate. They argue some more and walk past the food centre. 'The Butcher' calls out to Josh and asks him whats in the bag. Josh wont tell him anything specifics. Sam informs him that he hasn't covered his debt yet, though Josh has been working for fourty-eight hours. Sam tries to grab the bag off Josh which gets people looking.
- Sam warns Josh and the two stand there as if they're in a fighting ring. Sam offers to wipe the debt clean if Josh gives him the bag. Josh doesn't comply and walks away. Sam goes for the bag which results in Josh pushing him over and continuing to walk away.
- Sam pulls a pistol out of his back pocket and shoots Josh in the back of the head. Lilly cradles Josh's head in her arms and screams for a doctor. Josh tells his sister, Alicia, to close the windows and dies.
- Sam drags Lilly away from the body and points his gun to her head. She kicks him in the testicles the claws at his face. Sam raises the gun when Martinez and his men arrive.
- Martinez pounces on Sam and they wrestle with Martinez's carbine. Sam slams Martinez into the front of the food centre knocking over the old men's barrel. Martinez sends Sam through the front of the store window and delivers several hard punches to his face knocking him unconscious. The crowd roars for Martinez. The Governor arrives and asks to know what happened.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


13 ore 30 min, 13 dic 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
