April 1, 2024

6 giug 1618 anni - Start of Bohemian Phase of the Thirty Years' War


After the Peace of Augsburg, the People of Bohemia are required to practice the religion of their king. Ferdinand II was Roman Catholic however, most of his people were practicing Lutheran. The Bohemians didn't like this and they started a rebellion challenging the Holy Roman Empire led by Philip II, The Roman Catholic Church, and the Peace of Augsburg. Philip II sent out two representatives to try to reason with them, however they got defenestrated(Thrown out a window.) Both of them survived a 70 foot drop. The Catholics say an angel caught them mid-air and lightly placed them on the ground, but the bohemians say that they landed in a bunch of horse poop. After the return of the representatives, war was waged against Bohemia. The Hapsburgs country of Silesia, Moravia, Austria, Bavaria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, Tyrol, and Lorraine were fighting against Lone Bohemia.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


6 giug 1618 anni
~ 406 years ago