June 15, 2024

1 gen 1322 anni - Ars Nova


Ars Nova = literally “new art,” was the title of a treatise written by the composer Philippe de Vitry

De Vitry (not born into nobility) worked for Duke of Bourbon and appointed a bishop at the age of 60

Ars Nova referred to new methods of notation that would free composers to draw on rhythms of greater complexity and flexibility than those of ars antiqua (“old art”)
Proposed use of the minim = note value only half that of the smallest currently acceptable value

Roman de Fauvel (The Story of Fauvel) = first work using de Vitry’s reforms is a work satirizing
Based on a poem about a deceitful character who is flattered by clerics and nobles, including even the Pope and the French king (written ca. 1310 by Gervaise de Bus, a member of the French court)

Pope John XXII rejected the “disciples of the new school” of music --> despite the Pope’s decree, composers all over Europe adopted de Vitry’s new ideas

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

15 ott 2018


1 gen 1322 anni
~ 702 years ago