April 1, 2024

17 magg 1954 anni - Brown vs. Board of Education Decision


Brown vs Board of education was a supreme court case. In which the court declared state laws that Public schools for only black and only white children were to be abolished and all children of all races attend the same schools. The outcome of the case upturned the Plessy vs Ferguson's original decision in 1896. Which originally allowed state schools to segregate coloured from white. This crucial decision did not change the 14th amendment yet it exposed that many schools had been violating the term. Specifically breaching the Equal Protection Clause. The outcome of the case was very effective that all schools changed there ways allowing multiple races to attend the same school. Oliver Brown was the man who contested the Board of Education. Originally he was a welder but was fired and began to rally for civil rights.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


17 magg 1954 anni
~ 70 years ago