June 15, 2024

11 ore 35 min, 11 dic 2003 anni - The Governor visits the guardsmen. (The Road to Woodbury)


- Day 145
- Four guardsmen whisper to each other in a makeshift holding cell below the racetrack. Trey Barker, Manning, Stinson and Tommy Zorn.
- Manning tells Barker that his plan to escape wont work. Stinson reluctantly agrees to play dead so Barker can tackle Philip when he comes in from the immediate left of the door where he is chained to the wall.
- The Governor tells Bob about the guardsmen and his plan to make them gladiators in the arena. He opens the cell door and sees a 'dead' Stinson. He is about to shoot him when Barker tackles him. Philip falls to the floor and drops his pistol. Barker claws and bites Philip's ankles whilst the other guardsmen try to break free.
- Philip grabs the pistol and shoots Barker several times in the head. The others plead for their lives and Philip spares them. He asks Bob to clean up the place and bring Barker's body to the infirmary.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


11 ore 35 min, 11 dic 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
