June 15, 2024

16 giug 2005 anni - The dark knight trilogy began.


Christopher Nolan's dark knight trilogy changed superhero films dramatically after he went for a darker tone in his film. Unlike mcu films, that are light-hearted, the dark knight trilogy uses a darker tone to to fit around Christian Bale's Batman.
To add to this dark version of Batman Heath Ledger's Joker was played perfectly with this batman, they were polar opposites to each other. Heath Ledger's Joker made Batman part of mainstream society.
Christopher Nolan used practical effects in the destrcution of Gotham and in the scene where the Joker blows up the hospital. In this scene Heath was supposed to blow up a building in the background, however originally it wouldn't work and the building blew up unexpectedly moments later. Ledger covers his shock perfectly and stays in character, throughout the entire scene.
Ledger's appearance in The Dark Knight was so successful due to Ledger's inconsistant vocal tones, adding to his psychotic nature. Because of his performance, the role of the Joker was revolutionised for the universe of Batman.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


16 giug 2005 anni
~ 19 years ago
