June 15, 2024

22 ottob 1999 anni - Blair witch project was released.


The found footage horror film, Blair witch project, innovated the sub-genre of found footage films. It had a budget of around
£60, 000 and filmed on Hi-8 cameras (old, low quality technology). The whole film was shot through this along with the sound being recorded from the camera's mic. This resulted in low quality film and sound adding to the realism and credibility of the film. Almost the entire film was recorded by the actors themselves in a POV shot.
The director used very unorthodox methods of filmmaking for example: When auditioning the candidates were immediately told "You've been in jail for the last nine years. We're the parole board. Why should we let you go?" If the actor hesitated, the director would stop the audition. This was to show their improvisational capabilities as most of the film was improvised by the actors.
Eduardo Sanchez and the crew would create creepy atmospheres without informing the actors bring out realistic reactions from the actors. This popularised the genre of found footage films which is a popular part of horror.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


22 ottob 1999 anni
~ 24 years ago
