June 15, 2024

16 ore 15 sett 2003 anni - Brian kills Gavin and becomes Philip Blake; 'The Governor' (Rise of the Governor)


- Day 58
- At some point. Brian decides to get up. He's dehydrated and hungry so he eats an entire can of peaches in one go. He gets changed into new clothes and visits Penny. He tells her he loves her and leaves to go out with his gun loaded.
- He notices a commotion. Everyone's gathered outside the courthouse. Brian asks the fat homeless man what's going on and he tells Brian that they found three dead bodies in the woods the previous day devoured to the point of not turning.
- Brian considers leaving but asks himself "What would Philip do?"
- He enters the courthouse. A woman in her sixties with grey hair asks if anyone knew their names. Gavin tells them it was just two new people and one slut and tries to take control of everyone. An old man tells him that the girl was Jim Bridges' daughter and wasn't a slut. Gavin flips out on the man. Martinez defends the elder and is told to sit back down.
- Stevens asks what he wants from them all which triggers Gavin to scream for their obedience. The town's mechanic, Detroit mumbles something up front which causes Gavin to question him. Detroit has had enough and gets up to leave. Gavin orders him to sit back down and shoots him in the back of the head when he doesn't listen. Detroit lands next to a vending machine where Brian stands. Three residents get up and run away. Barker and Manning chase after them on Gavin's orders.
- Gavin starts a long speech about how these are the end times and he is their messiah appointed by God. Brian ignores all of it.
- Brian has an out of body experience and starts walking towards Gavin which grabs his attention. Brian unloads the entire clip of his .38 into the back of Gavin's head. He's shocked over his own actions.
- A man inspects Gavin's body but doesn't check for a pulse. Stevens and a crowd of others check to see if Detroit is still alive. Martinez tells Brian he better get out before the other National Guardsmen return but Brian insists they outnumber them. He asks who in the room is armed and several people put their hands up.
- Martinez asks for Brian's name. After a short pause Brian responds with 'Philip Blake'. They shake hands.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


16 ore 15 sett 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
