June 15, 2024

12 ottob 2018 anni - Bulsara try to deal with the panic of the merge, but realize that Dragotheth has left their Realm.


Bulsara is a majority race of humanoids that look a bit elfish. They are much like Humans, except they are not religious, as they know the truth about the three realms. Because of this knowledge they look at themselves as a Superior race to any other in all three realms. Because of this they are usually at war with other races in the third realm, especially the Puru Naka.

Folmar Sylris - The sixtieth king of the Bulsara, to the point of the merge, had already been on the throne for 20 years. Folmar, however is not the king his father or grandfathers were, as he is constantly paranoid of someone taking his power away. This would have been done already, with no doubt, if Folmar wasn't so powerfull, He can kill anyone in eye range by minipulating the power around him.

Hacathra Luwynn

Ayas Jowynn - General for the Bulsara army, Ayas Jowynn had serverd The Sylris family for his entire life. He worked his way to general and had many victories, notably was his victory over Thura and her army of Kaidasarhn. After that victory Ayas decided to wipe every last Kaidasarhn left. His genocidal plan was successful.

Sorsasta Gelleth,

Ynshael Pregann - The wife of Sylvar Pregann, the greatest swordsmen in all of the Bulsara kingdom, Ynshael is no slouch with the sword either. Her husband has taught her everything he knows.

Aywin Leocan.

Sylvar Pregann - The most skilled swordsmen in the entire Bulsara kingdom.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

12 ott 2018


12 ottob 2018 anni
~ 5 years and 8 months ago