June 15, 2024

10 magg 1773 anni - Tea Act of 1773


The Tea Act of 1773, was passed on May 10, 1773 and created a monopoly for The East India Company who were finnacially struggling and burdened with 18 million pounds of tea. The tea was to be sold in the colonies for a lower price, but the Townshend Acts were still in place. The colonists believed the Tea Act to be a strategic maneuver made by British Parliament to gain support for the taxes already in place. The sales of the tea from only British agents also undercut the businesses of local merchants. The colonist of Philadelphia and New York turned the ships around back to Britain, but the Royal Governor of Boston held the ships in place at port, where the colonist refused to allow them to unload the ships. The tea act was a big deal to the colonist because to them this was Britain's way of controlling them and manipulating them into buying into their taxes.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 magg 1773 anni
~ 251 years ago
