April 1, 2024

21 ottob 1956 anni - Guy Mollet, Anthony Eden, and David Ben-Gurion meet in secret to discuss the Suez Canal


Israeli troops invaded Egypt's Sinai Peninsula. 29th October, 1956
Imre Nagy promises free elections in Hungary. 30th October, 1956
British and French planes bomb Egyptian airfields. 31st October, 1956
British and French paratroopers land at Port Said in Egypt. 5th November, 1956
The Soviet Union threatens to intervene in the war over the Suez Canal. 6th November, 1956
Under pressure from the United Nations Britain and France accept a cease-fire in Egypt. 7th November, 1956
The United Nations demand the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Hungary. 8th November, 1956
UN forces arrives in Egypt to deal with the Suez Crisis. 15th November, 1956
The last of the British and French forces leave Egypt. 22nd December, 1956
Israeli forces withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. 22nd January, 1957

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

19 set 2018


21 ottob 1956 anni
~ 67 years ago