June 15, 2024

10 ore 30 min, 1 nov 2003 anni - Lee wakes up, Clementine is missing and Lee gets bit. (Around Every Corner)


- Day 105
- Lee wakes up to find Clementine gone. He searches for her but finds nothing. He goes outside and finds her hat and her walkie-talkie sitting on the ground. Lee is surprised by a walker hiding under some trash which goes for his arm. Lee kills it but spots blood on Clem's hat. He looks down and finds out that it had lightly bitten him on the wrist.
- The others come out of the house looking for him. Lee can either show them the bite or hide it (determinant).
- Lee asks for help to find Clementine. If he shows the bite Omid and Christa will insist they come. If he hides if he can ask them to come with or stay and guard the boat.
- Depending on how Lee has treated Kenny, he can either insist he comes with Lee, stay to guard the boat or ask if Lee would do the same for his family. If its the latter then Lee can convince him to come along or guard the boat.
- If Ben is alive then he can be asked to come along or stay.
- Lee can leave with any combination of the group or go on his own.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


10 ore 30 min, 1 nov 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
