July 1, 2024

5 feb 1859 anni - The construction of Big Ben was finished


Big ben

The big ben is one of the most iconic landmarks in London, even England, and it is a sight to see. Originally, the tower was named “Clock tower”, but it was renamed as the “Elizabeth tower” in 2012. The nickname “Big Ben” is due to it large size, but also the largest bell inside, which is indeed called Big Ben.

Built in 1859 the tower stands 96 metres tall with the largest bell: the big ben weighing whole 18 tons. The towers bells are struck by hammers connected to the clock mechanism and the largest bell sounds every hour while the smaller bells play a melody every 15 minutes. The melody played by the smaller bells is known as the “Westminster chimes” and is played in many smaller clocks around London.

The clock is powered by large weights and does not use any power except for the lights on the outside when it needs to be wound.

The bells of the tower were unfortunately silenced for maintenance in 2017 and will be until 2021, but it is definitely still worth seeing.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


5 feb 1859 anni
~ 165 years ago