June 15, 2024

11 ore 22 ottob 2003 anni - Lee, Kenny and Mark return with Ben and David/Travis, Lilly forces Lee to decide who eats. (Starved For Help)


- Day 95
The Motel is quiet. Lilly who is on watch hears something in the forest and aims her gun. Lee, Mark, Kenny, Ben and David/Travis burst out the trees and rush inside the walls. Everyone gets frantic as the wounded survivor is placed in a truckbed. Kenny asks Katjaa to fix David/Travis.
- Lilly gets Lee's attention and tells him they can't be bringing in every struggling survivor they come across. Clementine drags Ben away from the argument by taking him to draw.
- Lilly exclaims how she never asked to lead the group and now they're running out of food, everyone thinks she's a Nazi! Lee can side with Lilly, Kenny or stay neutral. If Lee stays neutral, Kenny states that he'll have to pick a side sooner or later. If Lee sided with Lilly, she'll ask Lee to distribute the food for her today because she's dealing with a lot. If Lee sided with Kenny or stayed neutral, Lilly will force Lee to distribute the rations. She gives him four pieces of food (half an apple, beef jerky and crackers and cheese) for ten hungry people. Lee walks around the Motel talking to people and distributing the rations.
- Katjaa works on David/Travis and declines any food offered. Lee can help her apply pressure to the wound.
- If Doug is alive, he'll be working on an early warning system (a tripwire which rings bells in case of walkers or people). Doug will accept an apple, but declines any other food as thanks for Lee saving him (see day 3).
- If Carley is alive, she'll be watching over the kids. Carley will accept an apple but declines any other food and tells Lee to save some for himself and Clementine.
- Clementine is missing her hat. Lee says he'll keep an eye out for it. Lee can give some food to Clem.
- If Lee gives food to Duck, Kenny and Katjaa will appreciate it.
- Lilly is on watch. If Lee offers food she'll accept if he sided with her, but will decline if Lee didn't. If Lee insists, then she'll take the food.
- Lee can give food to Ben which is an unpopular choice. If Lee feeds Ben first, and Lee saved Doug (see day 3), then Kenny will be annoyed at feeding strangers before their kids. If Lee saved Carley (see day 3) she'll feel the same.
- If Lee speaks to Kenny, he'll comment on how Kenny wants to leave in the RV. Depending on if Lee has looked out for Kenny's family by saving Duck on Hershel's farm and siding with him in the drugstore (see day 3), Kenny can offer Lee and Clem to come along to the coast with him and his family. If Lee has fed Duck and offers Kenny food, then Kenny will accept.
- Mark and Larry work on the fence. Lee can offer food to either of them. They both ask for Lee's axe to help with the wall. Lee can give it to either Mark or Larry. Mark will comment on what Larry thinks of Lee depending on what Lee said earlier in the forest.
- Lee can save the last piece of food for himself if he chooses to. If Lee fed the kids, Kenny will praise Lee for looking out for them and his family. He'll scold Lee if he didn't.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


11 ore 22 ottob 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
