June 15, 2024

8 ore 22 lugl 2003 anni - Lee and Clementine meet Kenny's family, Shawn is killed by zombies. (A New Day)


- Day 3
- Lee and Clementine wake up and are greeted by a charismatic man named Kenny. His son, Kenny Jr. runs in and is excited to build a fence with Shawn. Kenny introduces them to Jr. who they call 'Duck', like water off a duck's back also because he's as dumb as a hammer. He invites Lee and Clem to join his family to Macon later, Lee can accept or decline. Kenny introduces them to Katjaa, his wife. Clementine sits with her.
- Shawn starts Lee and Kenny on helping with the fence. He lets Duck sit on the tractor and yell at him. Lee can walk around the farm and interact with everyone. Kenny tells Lee that he and his family were coming back from visiting Katjaa's sister in Memphis. Duck was grabbed by a zombie at a gas station (see day 1) which was the closest call they've had. They saw a lot of bodies before arriving here but they're a tough family. Lee helps Shawn saw planks and they talk about what they've seen. Shawn saw a guy kill a kid in Atlanta which scarred him. Lee can mention shooting a zombie (see day 1) or bashing in a girl's brains (see day 2).
- Lee goes to help Hershel in the barn. If Lee was dishonest with Hershel last night (see day 2), Hershel will call Lee out on his lies and ask him to repeat his story. The two talk about family and Lee can mention that his brother and parents are in Macon. Hershel gives Lee a word of advice and tells him he's going to have to depend on the honesty of strangers moving forward, and if those same people get to questioning his, he's going to be in trouble.
- A loud scream is heard, Hershel rushes to get his gun and Lee heads towards the sound. He finds Shawn pinned under the tractor which Duck has accidentally started. Several zombies have arrived and start reaching over the fence for Shawn while one grabs onto Duck. Lee has to choose between helping Shawn or Duck. Lee will either try and push the tractor, pull on Shawn or punch the zombies. Either way, Kenny arrives to save Duck and carries him to safety. Two zombies break the fence and bite Shawn.
- Hershel arrives and shoots them before kneeling down by his son. If Lee helped Shawn, he'll tell his father that Lee tried to help before dying. A distraught Hershel screams for everyone to get off the farm and doesn't accept their apologies. Kenny offers Lee that ride to Macon again and the group leaves.
- After about a day, Shawn reanimates, Hershel can't put him down so he keeps him in the barn in hope that a cure will save him one day. He starts to collect zombies.

(For the next part of Hershel's story see day 203).

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


8 ore 22 lugl 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
