June 15, 2024

18 ore 21 lugl 2003 anni - Lee wakes up and meets Clementine. (A New Day)


- Day 2
- Lee wakes up in the crashed police car with a badly injured leg. He breaks the window and climbs out to find the police officer flung out the car's window and dead on the ground. Lee cautiously approaches and uses the keys to unlock the handcuffs. Immediately after, the cop springs to life and attacks Lee who backs away panicked. Lee quickly loads the cop's shotgun as the officer crawls towards him in an animistic manor. In an act of self defence, Lee shoots the cop in the head, killing him.
- Lee sees a girl in the distance and asks her to get help. She runs away and a swarm of zombies arrive on the scene. Lee limps away and jumps over a fence into a backyard an just about escapes death.
- Lee ventures around the garden calling for help. He eventually lets himself inside the deserted house and realises that something bad must have happened due to the large pool of blood on the kitchen floor. Lee takes a walkie talkie from the kitchen and turns an answering machine on after it beeps. Three messages left by Clementine's mother play, first explaining that they'll be staying an extra day, to a final teary "We love you" (see day 1 and 2).
- The walkie talkie turns on and a girl starts talking to Lee. She introduces herself as Clementine and Lee asks her some questions such as if she's ok and where her parents are. She tells Lee that she's hiding in her treehouse and wakes at him through the window. She quickly hides and Lee is attacked in the kitchen by a zombified Sandra (Clementine's babysitter). Lee wrestles with her and slips over the blood pool, hitting his head. He crawls away and Clementine hands him a hammer by the door. He takes it and bashes in Sandra's head until she stops moving. Clem asks if he killed it, understanding that Sandra was no longer human.
- Clementine has been alone for two nights (see day 0) and wants her parents to come home. Lee promises to protect her until they come back. The two decide what to do next, either look for help during the day or wait for Clem's parents until night.
- If Lee chooses to leave during the day, the two head out through the front gate and encounter Shawn Greene and Chet moving cars out of the street. The two panic, thinking Lee and Clem are zombies until they introduce themselves. Shawn hasn't seen anything as bad as this neighbourhood since downtown Atlanta fifteen miles back. Shawn offers to take Lee and his 'daughter' back to his father's farm where it's safe. Lee corrects him and lies that he's her babysitter, a neighbour or is honest and says he's just some guy. Clementine is hesitant on leaving her house in case her parents return, but zombies soon approach and the group is forced to flee.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


18 ore 21 lugl 2003 anni
~ 20 years ago
