April 1, 2024

14 nov 2048 anni - Experiments by Horace K Jam. Iron Key.


Specimen ID: D078-48-E
File ID: 489- C
Researcher: Dr. Horace K Jam
Date: 11/14/2048

Description: 078-48 is physically a small iron key of unknown origin, though dating tests place it as 75 to 100 years old. 078-48 was first discovered by a mining team in the vicinity of Nanotrasen Space Station #[REDACTED]. Its anomalous nature was demonstrated upon collision with their mining vehicle, at which point it caused a major hull breach.
078-48 has the strange ability to "tunnel" a temporary door through the hulls of space vessels. Upon physical contact with such a structure, if used in the manner of an ordinary key being inserted into a lock, 078-48 will seem to phase into the solid material. Upon attempted removal, the structure will partially give way, acting as though it is a hinged door with 078-48 as its handle. Once 078-48 is removed and the door is closed, the structure will shift back to its initial state as though the door had never existed.

Testing Log:
Test 01:
078-48 is given to Agent L. Wilson. Agent Wilson is instructed to press 078-48 into a replica external hull module affixed to the center of test chamber A. 078-38 behaves as expected and the hull module functions as a door until removal.
Test 02:
078-48 is again given to Agent L. Wilson. Agent Wilson is instructed to press 078-48 into a new replica hull module with the twice the thickness of a standard wall. 078-48 successfully creates a doorway, however it only pierces halfway through the wall structure, suggesting a range limit to 078-48's capabilities. Holding the initial door open, Agent Wilson is able to create a second doorway, fully extending the passage though the module. Upon closure of both doors, the hull module reintegrates as expected.
Test 03:
078-48 is given to Test Subject 0239F. 0239F is instructed to press 078-48 into the surface of an iron sphere roughly ten feet in diameter. Upon use, 078-48 creates a rectangular doorway that does not fully pierce the sphere. 0239F is instructed to enter the doorway. After electro-coercion, 0239F enters the sphere. 078-48 is then removed by Lab Attendant Moore and the doorway is closed. Upon the reapplication of 078-48, the sphere [REDACTED].

Addendum A:
After the events of Test 03, 078-48 has had its hazard rating incremented. All further tests of 078-48 are to be authorized by the Extradimensional Hazard Evaluation Board before proceeding.
-Dr. Jam

Addendum B:
At the behest of the weapon research division, 078-48 has been scheduled for use in a test of the K25 experimental particle emitter. 078-48 has been chosen due to interest in the effects such particles may have on its space-time warping abilities.
-Dr. Franklin

Addendum C:
Since its exposure to the K25 emitter, 078-48 has not regained any of the anomalous characteristics warranting its inclusion in study. As such, 078-48 has been reclassified as Decommissioned and is to be disposed of in a manner befitting of an ordinary iron key. As an aside, Dr. Franklin's remaining limbs have not yet regained sensation or fine motor control. Please be more careful when testing E-level objects in the future.
-Dr. Jam

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


14 nov 2048 anni
~ 24 years and 0 months later