June 15, 2024

2 lugl 2018 anni - Watched a French Movie on Netflix


From the number of international streaming content Netflix offers, I chose to watch a French movie called ,"Intouchables".

Netflix says there are three factors that influence whether a movie or tv show is made available to Canada for streaming. This includes regional tastes. That is, if they believe a form of content will not be popular among their Canadian audience, they will not expend resources to attain the movie's rights
Another factor whether they must ask the permission of more than one owner for streaming. In such a scenario, they might have agreements with distributors, but not with specific production companies. Finally, there must be rights available for selling or licensing in order for Netflix to stream any given content.
Globalization has allowed for Netflix to attain the licensing agreements to stream an international movie that was deemed as suitable for a Canadian audience.
In other words, due to globalization, I was able to expose myself to the storytelling characteristics of a different language at the opportunity cost of not watching something domestically produced.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


2 lugl 2018 anni
~ 5 years and 11 months ago
