June 15, 2024

16 ore 54 min, 20 sett 2008 anni - Convo with Sil


Keisha finally seeks out Sil after their talk on the beach; Remi is with her; Sil says he is happy to see her, he has been worried and hopes everything is ok (playing it subtle); Keisha just says "Remi knows, I told him" which annoys Sil a bit but he doesn't react too much; Keisha then says she has to tell him some important stuff through Remi's telepathy; She and Remi tell him everything they have found and concluded, she also tells him that she spoke to Calbhach twice personally in dreams and it turned out fine, but she didn't trust what he said and wanted to do something about all this; When Sil hesitates, she insists there must be some way out; There always is with Otherworlds, that's how they work; Sil eventually agrees that that is the morally right thing to do and he owes it to everyone, and says he will help in whatever way he can; They all part ways and agree to think things over for a while individually and meet again in a month

- Maybe Keisha decides to start telling people "the truth"??

- Maybe she plans to release a big reveal issue of her paper on Samhain ((<3 this))

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:


16 ore 54 min, 20 sett 2008 anni
~ 15 years ago