June 15, 2024

22 sett 2018 anni - Progressive Era pt 2


1 - During the Progressive Age there wasn't a lot of rights for women out there, they weren't able to have the right to vote. So women of uppercljass and middle class had decided to create 3 groups that were very important to the women suffrage: the NAWSA, NWSA, AWSA, and NWP. One of the groups NWSA had urged for the women’s right to be able to vote, they had also urged for non-discrimination against women regarding pay and employment, also to have easier divorces. After that they had came up with the group NAWSA that was a national women’s suffrage group, it had become their largest in the nation, states were finally starting to recognize women’s suffrage. Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, and Idaho had finally recognized women’s right to vote which was a big step in the late 1800s. After a lot of struggling and protest to be able to have women’s rights, Woodrow Wilson finally had given in and endorsed the women’s suffrage and the congress had finally adopted the nineteenth amendment that was made in 1920, women across the world finally had the right to be able to vote, it was a big victory for them.

2 - Also during the Progressive Age there was also a thing called Impure Food and Drugs act which was basically where the people who would sell the food, the food would be contaminated and would be impure. The reason why the whole issue got so big was because people found out on how they were doing that, and they made a big deal out of it because no one wants to have the food their eating to be impure. So they made that law so that companies that would do that wouldn't be able to do that anymore.

3 - Another issue that was big during the Progressive Era was fake advertising where they would fake what they were advertising, they would lie about what their product was or how t could affect you. The state regulation of advertising stated that if any company was doing fake advertising they would get a misdemeanor. People didn't want their products to be lying about what they selling, I don't think anyone wanted to buy something and have it be the opposite of what they bought.

Aggiunto al nastro di tempo:

7 mag 2018


22 sett 2018 anni
~ 5 years and 9 months ago