// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. A lot of riots break out during this time. Bomb blasts and explosions increase during the years of 1993-1999, during the "Abacha years" in Nigera. "Terrorize and demoralize the Bosnian Muslim and Bosnian croat population." Death toll in North East Niagara rise to 1,500 people in the first 3 months (7 mayo 1997 año – 10 dic 2001 año) (Cinta de tiempo)
April 1, 2024

A lot of riots break out during this time. Bomb blasts and explosions increase during the years of 1993-1999, during the "Abacha years" in Nigera. "Terrorize and demoralize the Bosnian Muslim and Bosnian croat population." Death toll in North East Niagara rise to 1,500 people in the first 3 months (7 mayo 1997 año – 10 dic 2001 año)

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7 mayo 1997 año
10 dic 2001 año
~ 4 years and 7 months