September 30, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

We've compiled the most frequently asked questions here.

Premium subscription

No, we do not offer a one-time fee for lifetime access. However, if you use our service infrequently, we can offer significant discounts for subsequent years. For example, if you pay for a year but only edit your timeline a few times, we can offer you a renewal price with up to a 70% discount.
You can't edit the timeline. All files, media will remain accessible although no further multimedia files may be added.
Our clients may apply for the special discount. Besides we encourage the increase of recognition of our service and your effort may be rewarded in the individual Premium discount.
Generally, we don't invoice our clients for custom periods. Please, renew your subscription every month.
Please get in touch with us by writing to [email protected].

Use in education

Premium subscription for educational institutions is discounted based on the amount of teachers and students. Please, read details here.
Educators get their personal cabinet and receive discounts for adding students based on calculator here.
Students are eligible for the free update of their subscription, please read more information here.

General questions

Each timeline can be set to private, public or accessed by the link.
Creating a new private timeline or changing access to private of the existing one is only available for the Premium users. Please upgrade your account to Premium.
Click in any empty spot of the editor to bring up carousel and choose Grouping. Then left click on each event you want to add to the group. As soon as the first event will be added, you can change the name of the group, adjust colors, description etc. Check video tutorial: How to use Grouping feature.
Premium  users can copy any timeline using Duplicate button on the timeline page. The new timeline will have a private access by default.
Open the page with your timeline and click Settings button.
You can add or change background (cover) by clicking camera icon in the top section of the timeline editor next to the Save button. There are 3 options to add image to the background: drag the image to the specified area, select the file by clicking on the same area or paste the direct http link to the image.
Click the light bulb icon in the top section of the Editor.
To discard any unsaved changes made in the Editor please click Discard  icon next to Save button.
There are 2 ways to delete the timeline:
   - From any place in the website hover the mouse pointer to the user icon in the top right corner and choose My timelines. Find the timeline to be deleted, hover the mouse over three vertical dots and click Trash icon.    - Open the page with the desired timeline and click Settings button below the timeline to bring up Settings popup window. Scroll down to the bottom and click Delete timeline link.
Please note that this action is non-reversible and the timeline will be deleted forever.
You can permanently delete your account with all of your timelines. Hover the mouse over the user icon in the top right corner and choose Settings. Scroll down and click Delete account link.
Open the page with your timeline and click the Download button. The Editor window will be opened and you will have a choice of the file format to download on the left, quality slider, transparent background adjustment and custom date range input.
To download timelines without watermark, please upgrade to Premium.
As soon as you have added the picture cover for the background of the timeline it will be exported with the timeline automatically.
Yes, you can attach as many media files as you want.
Please, make sure that you are currently logged into the same account, that you have used to create the disappeared timeline. If you still can't find the timeline, please contact us via email [email protected].
Please click Embed button on the timeline page, copy the code and paste it to your website.
To have any of your calendars imported from Google, first you have to click anywhere in the editor to bring up the carousel and hover over the Google icon in the carousel and click on Calendar. Then follow the prompt to allow Time.Graphics to access your calendar. Finally, choose the calendar you want to be shown on the timeline. For better understanding please watch the tutorial:
Please make sure you have allowed Time.Graphics to use your general account data. If the website still denies access, please report the error to [email protected].
Please make sure that you have access to the email you have used for the account registration on Time.Graphics. Hover over on Account icon and choose Confirm email.
If there is still no email during 48 hours after initial registration, please contact us [email protected].
If you didn’t receive password recovery link, please contact us [email protected] .
Thanks you! Please report it to [email protected].

Payment questions

Yes, the tool is free for creation of public timelines. There are limits for the Free account, which can be temporarily lifted. Please check the Free section on the Premium page for more information. To be able to create private timelines or provide access to your timelines by link you should upgrade to Premium.
Yes! We offer discounts to the staff, faculties and students of accredited educational organizations. Please contact us [email protected].
Yes! We offer discounts to the staff, faculties and students of accredited educational organizations. Please contact us [email protected].
The only difference is the price! All Premium features are fully functional in educational license.
Press Esc button or make your timeline available for public.
Please send us a request to [email protected].
Nothing will disappear, all of your timelines will still be available to you, the only limitation you will have is the possibility to edit private timelines. Please compare all the premium features at the Premium page.

Payment issues

We apply Premium automatically, however in some cases you should re-login. If your account is not upgraded within 24h, please contact us via email [email protected] or feedback.
Yes, we can make a refund in case you did a double payment. Please send the request using Feedback form or contact us via email [email protected].
We provide invoices for 1 year Premium subscription. Please send the request to [email protected]
Yes, it is possible to pay for your Premium subscription with cryptocurrencies. If you decide to pay with this payment method, please contact us with payment details [email protected]. Please choose on of the following payment addresses:
BEP2: bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23 MEMO: 100047855
BEP20 (BSC) 0x3fd8e690e6e2d9eeb8cc2a05d0365e519c5961cc
BEP2: Адрес bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23 MEMO 100047855
BEP20 (BSC): 0x3fd8e690e6e2d9eeb8cc2a05d0365e519c5961cc
ERC20: 0x3fd8e690e6e2d9eeb8cc2a05d0365e519c5961cc

Feedback Form

If you didn't find the answer for your question, please leave a feedback below in the form.
Please log in and your name and email will be added automatically to your message.
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