June 15, 2024

'No Turning Back' (The Walking Dead: Volume 25) (16 h 11 sept 2008 año – 8 h 16 sept 2008 año)


- Day 1881 > 1886
- Alpha marked the border with the heads of twelve innocents, among them Rosita and Ezekiel.
- Eugene works on a radio, people notice the disappearances.
- Rick breaks the terrible news.
- A funeral is held for the deceased.
- The fair is dismantled in the rain.
- The families and friends get mad at Rick for not taking action, Maggie confesses about Gregory.
- Eugene wants to use Lydia against Alpha.
- Andrea takes Carl and Lydia to the Hilltop.
- Rick admits to Michonne that he's happier now than he ever was with Lori.
- Lydia doesn't trust where Andrea and Carl are taking her, Alpha cries.
- Dwight and the Saviors return to the Sanctuary with the bad news.
- A fight breaks out at the community meeting.
- Rick goes to Negan for advice.
- Dwight resigns as leader of the Saviors.
- Andrea, Carl and Lydia arrive at the Hilltop.
- Morton and Brandon approach Vincent.
- Rick pitches his military plan to Eugene, Dwight and Laura leave the Sanctuary.
- Rick is attacked by Morton Rose and Vincent, Rick kills Morton.
- Maggie finds Rick soaked in blood and passed out.
- Rick uses Negan's advice to rally the communities to Silence The Whisperers.

Añadido al timeline:


16 h 11 sept 2008 año
8 h 16 sept 2008 año
~ 5 days
